March 9, 2020
Solon CSD Community and Staff,
On Sunday, March 8, 2020, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) announced three presumptive positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in adult residents of Johnson County, Iowa.
None required hospitalization and all individuals are recovering in isolation at home.
The Solon School District will continue to communicate with Johnson County Public Health and follow their lead. Our school nurses are well informed and remain in communication with necessary officials.
We are confident in Iowa’s health care and public health systems and their ability to handle an instance of COVID-19. We will follow the guidance and directives of the IDPH.
The school district continues to take proactive measures to combat influenza and other illnesses, including Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- The district has hand sanitizer in classrooms and in several locations throughout schools.
- Students are reminded and encouraged to wash hands frequently, cover their coughs, and keep hands away from their faces.
- School nurses evaluate all students referred to the office and openly communicate with Johnson County officials and the medical community (as needed).
- Our custodians have altered their hours in order to disinfect schools daily, with new equipment purchased in the fall.
The information regarding Coronavirus (COVID19) is ever-changing. We understand this can be a matter that causes anxiety and uncertainty. We want to ensure that you, as our employees, students and families, feel safe when you are in our facilities. We firmly believe the information and recommendation from Johnson Co. Public Health to be the most accurate and up-to-date. As information becomes available or changes, we will update you.
Davis Eidahl