June 2, 2020
Dear Parents and Families,
The school year ended in an unusual manner, but even with the March closure, we obtained tremendous momentum in student achievement and progress with several new initiatives. This success was presented to the Solon Board and celebrated throughout the year, during the “Focus on Learning” agenda item at monthly board meetings. A few examples include:
Social Emotional and Mental Health initiative (48 member school and community advisory group)
- Personalized Learning in Math grades 6-12 initiative
- Development of the high school Individual Career and Academic Planning curriculum (ICAP)
- Reading and Writing Achievement
- Home Leaning (voluntary and required)
If you have interest in learning more about our strategic plan and the progress made, please contact me.
Return-to-Learn Plan
With the 2019-20 school year concluding, we shifted our focus to developing a “Return-to-Learn” educational plan for the 2020-21 school year. We have a team of 38 school employees all working together to develop a comprehensive plan that will support the health, safety and learning of all students. Our team consists of administrators, teachers, counselors, nurses, transportation, buildings and grounds and technology directors. Our plan will address standard operational procedures prioritizing the health and safety of all students and staff, as well as academics, mental health, technology, equity and infrastructure.
We will address multiple scenarios that include on-site learning, hybrid learning, and continuing required learning. The scenarios will be in response to current directives or recommendations from Governor Reynolds and guidance from the CDC and Public Health.
Onsite Learning
· School returns to normal with little to no modifications or anticipated disruptions. Modifications may include some social distancing considerations and guidance from local, county and state officials.
Hybrid Learning
· School returns with modified learning and attendance schedule. Ongoing anticipated and scheduled onsite-learning disruptions that include a combination of onsite learning and online teaching and learning.
Required Learning
· Temporary school closures are declared ongoing or intermittently during the school year. Teaching and learning are required online during school closures. Online learning plan is implemented immediately and for the duration of the closure.
We will continue to provide communication throughout the summer as our plans develop. We are hoping for the best and ability to return to normal teaching and learning in August, but planning for all scenarios. If you have questions please contact me.
Dr. Davis Eidahl