Feature Teacher

Lakeview Feature Teacher: Emy Williams 

Mrs. Emy Williams is one of our remarkable 3rd grade teachers at Lakeview. Mrs. Williams always makes sure to teach to the individual needs of ALL of her students! One of her students has a comprehension goal written into their IEP, so Mrs. Williams reached out to ensure what she works on in the general education classroom and what is worked on during SDI (Specially Designed Instruction) can have some overlap and increase transfer across settings! 

Mrs. Williams worked with the building instructional coach worked to integrate visuals as a part of an oral retelling of the story, using icons placed on the pictures that indicate character, setting, problem, solutions, feelings, and other story elements. She was willing to try a new routine with a focus on declarative statements and modeling her thinking aloud for this student during her guided reading time, while still keeping to the integrity of our Fountas & Pinnell resources, and while giving her student a tool to succeed that is used across general education and special education settings. Mrs. Williams is thoughtful, reflective, and energetic! We are so very blessed to have her in Solon! 
