LV Feature Teacher

Lakeview Feature Teacher: Mickenzie Kack 

Miss Mickenzie Kack is one of Lakeview's special education teachers. She  works hard to ensure her students are getting what they need, and is open and flexible when it comes to making changes to her instruction when it benefits students! 

Before the end of the school year, Miss Kack and the building instructional coach dug into the Number Sense Intervention instruction for one of  her students with a math goal, and worked on Letter Lessons and First Words Cycle 4 for a student with a reading goal.  Miss Kack is data-driven, student-centered, and utilizes a variety of resources to integrate new instructional practices, which includes collaboration with teachers, coach, GWAEA staff, and observing her colleagues.

Lakeview students and staff are so glad she's here in Solon! 

