LV Feature Teacher

Lakeview Feature Teacher: Sam Brimeyer 

Mrs. Samantha Brimeyer is one of our dynamic kindergarten teachers at Lakeview. Mrs. Brimeyer has been working with the building instructional coach on an online Study Cycle on the Kindergarten New Perspectives mini-lesson book From Fives and Tens to Automaticity. Mrs. Brimeyer  has committed to giving her time on Monday evenings for the past few weeks to engage in this learning. Both Mrs. Brimeyer and instructional coach  were able find out more about number strings within the New Perspectives resources and began building a better understanding of the landscapes for learning. Over the next few weeks, they will have additional sessions for deeper learning on the landscapes, lessons, and assessment to support utilizing this mini-lesson book and other New Perspectives Units. As they learn more, Mrs. Brimeyer is looking forward to planning and co-teaching lessons and number strings for the Kindergartners in KE. 

Mrs. Brimeyer never seizes to amaze us all with her dedication, her passion to learn and develop her practice, and her willingness to jump in and try anything. 
