Lakeview Feature Teacher

Lakeview Feature Teacher: Andrea Dibble

Mrs. Andrea Dibble is one of the amazing 1st grade teachers at Lakeview. Mrs. Dibble is collaborative, compassionate, and driven toward providing each student with a loving learning environment. She is always seeking ideas, new learning, and different perspectives when trying to support a student's academic and social/emotional needs. 

Mrs. Dibble recently worked with Lakeview instructional coach, Miss Gerk, on both whole group and small group Phonics and Word Study lessons. The goal of this collaboration was to establish Word Study Clubs for her students. They used the framework from FPC’s Book Clubs, but grouped students for targeted phonics work. 1E students have been meeting during Reading Workshop rotations with their Word Study Club to work collaboratively on targeted phonics/word study activities Mrs. Dibble and Miss Gerk created on FPC Game Maker that are aligned to their assessed specific phonics needs. Students discussed and applied patterns in games, activities, or even decodable text experiences. 

As they've worked on small groups for 1E, they've also began working on organizing whole class PWS lessons according to systematic phonics progressions. Their work included considering daily phonemic awareness experiences and sound-based high frequency word work. 

We admire everything about Mrs. Dibble's  dedication to her students!
