@SolonCSD High School Drama Department presents Anastasia: The Musical this weekend with shows on November 5th at 2:00 and 7:00 & November 6th at 2:00. Get your tickets at https://sc4a.ludus.com. Come see our talented students put on a terrific show! #SolonStrong
Here is the October monthly update: https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/h4fxn
It's September! Check out the monthly update below. #solonstronghttps://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/fnj2q
We are finalizing sponsorships for the fall! Please reach out to Mr. Hack (District Activities Director) if interested. #solonstrong
The Solon School District is in need of multiple long-term substitute openings. Check out these opportunities here: https://tinyurl.com/solon-longterm-subs
Looking for Solon CSD School Supply Lists? Check them out here!
Join the Solon CSD Team for the 2022-2023 School Year! Check out what we have available.
Instructional Special Education Associates Needed! $15 an Hour with Benefits!
Check it: https://tinyurl.com/soloncsdjobs
Tonight's 2022 Senior Awards Night will be live streamed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOmDxHR9VqvUHLlsQrGTZQ
Good afternoon! Please check out the May update for the High School. Have a great week! #solonstrong
Looking for a great place to work? Check out this opportunity at Solon High School!
It's happening this weekend! Tickets can be purchased at the door. #solonstrong
Empty Bowls is tomorrow, 4.9.2022! Come support a great cause! #solonstrong
All three FBLA students attending the State Leadership Conference this weekend placed in all three of their events and qualified for Nationals! Way to go Andrew Baumgartner, Madison Craig, and Ashley Hummel. #solonstrong
Good day Solon High School Families!
Please check out the monthly update for the high school. #solonstrong https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/shzv9
Here is the February Update for the high school! https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/r1pms
Save the Date! #solonstrong
Here is the January update!
Here is the December update for the high school! #solonstrong
Here is the November high school update! #solonstrong
New mitigation efforts are successfully impacting positive cases. Thank you Solon families for supporting targeted quarantines and closely monitoring for all childhood illnesses symptoms. Recent seven-day positive cases (29).