School Facility Planning - Community Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey!
- Online Survey:
- Paper Survey: School Facility Planning - Community Survey
As you may be aware, the district has been working on a plan to begin the next phase of projects in our master facility plan. The rapid and continued growth in our community has resulted in increased student enrollment. As a result, we are in need of additional:
- Classrooms
- Support spaces
- Multi-purpose spaces
- Indoor activity spaces
The elementary school was originally built in 1966 and is in need of updates to replace inefficient and worn-out systems and finishes, the field turf at Spartan Stadium has reached the end of its service life and is in need of replacement, and our bus fleet is in need of a larger, dedicated space for parking and maintenance. Finally, there is a need to re-purpose space in the district to allow for expanded course offerings in the trades and industrial technology.
The cost to complete the identified projects is greater than the district’s annual operating budget can support. Thus, the School Board is considering asking voters to support a general obligation bond this March to fund these projects.
This fall the district commissioned a Community Facility Taskforce, made up of parents, community members and district staff, to provide feedback and input on the proposed projects. The group identified project priorities, discussed curriculum needs, and shared their vision for the future of the school district and community. Now, the district is providing an opportunity for all citizens to provide their input through a community-wide survey.